
Our Response to Covid-19

Sample Church has the safety and well-being of our congregation and our community top of mind. With the constantly changing status of information regarding the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the staff at Sample Church continue to monitor the latest news and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and local health departments. On this page, you’ll find all the latest information on Sample Church’s response to COVID-19 and any temporary changes we are implementing. If you have questions, please contact Lori Bogart, director of Administration & HR.

Current Status (updated 8-18-20)

While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought much change to Sample Church, it has not changed our focus of leading people to follow Jesus! Our staff and members are active in many ways in our community and world, and are truly “being the church.” That said, the situation has led to alterations in our use of our building and in gathering.

Activities: The Sample Church building is currently in Phase One of our reopening plan, which allows for limited entry into the building for purposes such as dropping off or picking up items, etc. In-person group activities are not being held during this phase. This plan will continue to be evaluated and could be changed at any time if conditions warrant. For more information about the phases of reopening the church, please read the Sample Church Reopening Plan Summary.

Worship: Sample Church is currently holding online worship only. At this time, we do not have a target date for reintroducing in-person worship, but will continue to monitor advice from local, state and federal health authorities on the safety of doing so.

Helping Others: As COVID-19 (coronavirus) affects an increasing number of people in our community, Sample Church is committed to providing care and help. If you are in need of care or help, please complete our online form so that we can provide as much support as we are able. Our team of care workers will follow up with you as soon as possible. If you’d like to be involved in the ways Sample Church is supporting our community, please visit our Be a Helper page!